CV and Referee Tips

Tailor your CV
Your CV is very important – it’s our first impression of you. It should highlight the skills and experience you’ve gained throughout your career to date. Here’s some advice which should help you deliver a first class CV!

  • Compile your CV in reverse order (showing your most recent experience first)
  • Show the month and year you commenced each position
  • If there are any gaps in your employment explain these
  • As well as responsibilities, list your achievements in a position
  • Keep it concise
  • Check and double check your spelling and grammar
  • Highlight in a covering letter why you believe your skills meet the requirements of the position

You are more likely to be successful in the recruitment process if you think carefully about and tell us how you fit the position you are applying for, i.e. in your covering letter

We recommend you only apply for targeted positions for which you have suitable skills and experience – applying for multiple positions can damage your credibility

If you’re short-listed for a position, you’ll be required to provide at least three referees details and email contacts for us to contact.

These referees must ideally be people you have reported to in your last 3 positions- or at least people who have working knowledge of your abilities and experience. This allows us to understand how you have performed in previous positions and assess your suitability for the position you’ve applied for.

We may also perform other forms of pre-employment checks, including credit checks and psychometric assessments, depending on the level and type.