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Physicians – New Zealand Medical Council

There are three types of registration physicians can apply for:

Registration within a General Scope
For qualified applicants wishing to temporarily relocate to New Zealand for a minimum of six months.
For overseas doctors who have worked in a health service, which is comparable to New Zealand , for at least three of the last four years.

Countries considered to have a health environment comparable to that of New Zealand are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, Israel, Singapore and Spain.

Registration within a Vocational Scope
For specialist consultants wishing to permanently relocate to New Zealand.

Registration within a Special Purpose Scope
For qualified doctors wishing to enter New Zealand to: Teach, train, carry out research,  work as a specialist locum tenant (6 month duration available) or work in an emergency capacity (short term).

Self Assessment for registration can be done here
Forms can be found here

Registraion for Dentists

Nurses – Nursing Council of New Zealand

Requirements for registration.

  • BSN
  • Minimum 3 year Registered Nurse training
  • Minimum 2 years post graduate experience
  • Evidence of the ability to speak and write English – IELTS.

For more information, please visit the New Zealand Nursing Council website

Allied Health

Generally speaking, all specialists seeking registration in New Zealand must have: Appropriate qualifications, demonstrated competencies, required clinical experience for practice according to the particular field’s registration board.

Likewise, the applicant must be competent in written and spoken English.
Australian Registered Specialists: Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act

New Zealand ’s Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act (TTMRA) recognizes the regulatory standards of goods and occupations in Australia . Through this act most Australian specialists are entitled to seek registration in New Zealand .

For more information on the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangement, go to

1. Medical Radiation Therapists

Radiographers’ and Radiation Therapists’ applications for registration are reviewed by the New Zealand Medical Radiation Technologists Board.
Full details on requirements for registration as well as printable application forms can be found below.

Australian Registered Medical Radiation Technologists Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition (TTMRA), covers the Medical Radiation Technologists registered in Australia except those from New South Wales (NSW) and Western Australia who must register through the same process as overseas applicants

2. Occupational Therapists

Occupational Therapists’ applications for registration will be reviewed by the New Zealand Occupational Therapy board.
Full details on requirements for registration as well as printable application forms can be found below.

Australian Registered Occupational Therapists are eligible for registration through the TTMRA

3. Physiotherapists

The Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand will review physiotherapists’ applications for registration.
More information on the requirements can be found at:

Australian Registered Physiotherapists:
If you are registered to practice physiotherapy in a participating Australian jurisdiction, all states except Western Australia , you are entitled to seek registration in New Zealand .

4. Speech Therapists

Speech Therapists’ applications for registration are available below.

New Zealand Speech Therapist Association

5. Psychologists

Psychologists’ applications for registration will be reviewed by the Psychologists Board of New Zealand.
Full details on requirements for registration as well as printable application forms can be found Below

6. Medical Laboratory Technologists

Medical Laboratory Technologists’ applications for registration will be reviewed by the Medical Laboratory Technologists Board of New Zealand.
Full details on requirements for registration as well as printable application forms can be found below

7. Pharmacists

The Pharmaceutical Society of New Zealand will review pharmacists’ applications for registration.
Full details on requirements for registration as well as printable application forms can be found below

8. Dietitians

Dietitians wishing to practise in New Zealand must, by law, be registered with the Dietitians Board and must hold a current practising certificate. There website explains the role of the Dietitians Board, what dietitians must do to be registered and practise

9. Midwifery council

Full details on the requirements for registration can be found at the website below: